How to Get the Most out of a Design Questionnaire
So you’re a small business owner looking for a new website. Maybe you shop around a little and meet with a few different firms. Maybe a trusted friend refers you to someone. At some point in the process of procuring a website, someone is going to send you something called a…
Design Questionnaire
It’s okay to freak out. It’s a perfectly normal reaction.
After all, the thing looks like that final you took in high school that you didn’t study for. It might even have multiple choice questions. It’ll definitely have some longform questions. And if given the choice between filling it out and stubbing your toe of procuring badly, you might seriously consider stubbing your toe.
So, to help you out the next time you have to fill one of these out, we’ve come up with a few tips that will not only make the process less
1. Don’t assume you can skip the questionnaire and tell them everything you need in the face to face meeting.
There’s a reason there’s a questionnaire and a meeting.
The questionnaire provides a foundation for the meeting. It can provide details that are both necessary and nuanced. It also serves as the starting point for the meeting.
If you skip the questionnaire or fill it up with terse or vague answers, chances are, the meeting will have to start at square one.
Put simply, a poorly filled out questionnaire makes for an unproductive meeting.
2. Read the whole questionnaire before filling it out.
Reading through the entire design questionnaire gives you a good idea of the scope of questions they are asking. It also helps you structure your answers appropriately when you know how to break up the information properly. Nothing is quite so frustrating as answering a question and then realizing that the answer you put down really fits a different question much better. Also, reading the full questionnaire helps of procuring the next bit of advice.
3. Design Questionnaires are like Open Book Tests
Nobody expects you to remember everything off the top of your head, so don’t leave blanks in the questionnaire just because you can’t remember something. Reviewing your company documents and other materials is a good start, but also make sure they’re within arms reach in case you need them.
4. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help.
All clients are different, but
5. Be specific and provide examples.
Nothing is more cryptic than an entire questionnaire full of unsupported adjectives. The more you give them, the more they can give back.
Writing that you want your website to be “edgy” isn’t really helpful. There are lots of things that are edgy, and making a company guess which “edgy” you mean isn’t always a great idea.
Writing that you want your website to be “edgy” and citing a particular artist is helpful.**
Providing images of pieces that you like by a particular artist is really helpful.
Doing all of the above and explaining why you like the piece and why you think it resonates with your company is about as helpful as you can be.
So when you find yourself in front of another design questionnaire, remember the above tips. The company you hired will be grateful,
**It doesn’t have to be an artist, it can be anything really.